Intro and Development

Learn to speed skate in our Development group, which skates on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Sign up for a full season or an 8 session introductory trial.

Kids, parents, and grandparents can be on the ice all at the same time, since skaters are broken up into small groups based on size and skill level. A family favourite!

What will you get out of it?

Our motto, “Fun and Fitness for the Entire Family” really says it all.  Ask any of our young skaters (or even their parents) what they like most about speed skating and they’ll tell you it’s the great time they have on and off the ice, whether learning new drills, playing some of the many games designed to reinforce those skills or racing against their friends in “real” races.

While speed skating is a competitive sport, it is competition in the best sense; you against the clock or your friends.  There is almost none of the unwelcome pressure faced by youngsters in other winter sports.

How does the introductory trial work?

Although this is a fairly technical sport, almost anyone with basic skating skills can become quite accomplished in a few sessions with our experienced coaches. Any age is the right age to learn speed skating; we have members from as young as 5 to over 70 and invariably have children and parents/grandparents skating at the same time.  

There are, however, certain basic skating abilities that are necessary to participate safely and effectively in the introductory program. These prerequisites are:

Balance – Glide on one foot from blue line to red line

Stopping – Stop on a whistle from full speed in 5 meters

Speed – From a standing start complete one lap in 40 seconds.

Cognition – Listen to and then perform a sequence of three instructions.

If you register for the Intro program, all fees and equipment are included for $200, and if you decide to stay for the full season, that amount will be credited to your season fees.

Safety and Equipment

Despite the fact that speed skating can be very fast, it is actually a very safe sport.  We at the club do our level best to ensure our skaters’ safety above all else.

Our club policy is that the following equipment is mandatory for all speed skating programs; for those registering for the introductory trial, this equipment will be provided with your registration fee ($200) for the duration of the intro program:

  • Helmet – Speed skating helmet
  • Gloves – cut-resistant
  • Knee Pads – soft, volleyball style
  • Neck Guard – hockey style with bib (ballistic nylon or Kevlar)
  • Shin Pads – hard-shell soccer style
  • Clothing (not provided) – must have long sleeves and legs (no exposed skin)
  • Safety glasses – shatterproof eyewear
  • Skates – oops, nearly forgot those!


The Development program runs Tuesday and Thursday evenings for a full season; the intro program runs for 8 on-ice sessions.