Latest News

(Updated – February 02, 2025)

At the start of January, the coaches helped a few members move up in programs. This created a bit of space for new members. Thanks to all those who helped get the new members skating. Sheri (registrar!) wants to make it clear that we are now full (with the possible exception of experienced Masters who want to re-join). For those of you interested in joining our club, registration for 25/26 will open in late summer.

Thanks to Sheri (meet coordinator!) and her awesome team of volunteers for the Elite 2-day meet held end of January. I served as a track steward for both days, pouring water, reseting blocks and squigeeing the ice between races to try to keep the best possible conditions for skaters to keep them safe and to help them get the best times. In this role you have the best seat for watching the races (though you always need to be ready to move out of the way if there is a fall right in front of you!). Having two former Canadian national team members racing was quite the thrill. For a series of races Sunday afternoon, they alternated taking the role of “pace bunny” to help skaters earn new PBs (personal bests) on the 1500m. So impressed! Shout-out to the food table and members who brought in food donations to keep the volunteers fueled over the weekend. Because we do not have much break time between flights, on-ice volunteers get to go to the front of the line – everything went so smoothly we never needed to bud in line.

March is a month of championships so the coaches are busy helping skaters get ready for both short track and long track competitions. We had some issues with gravel on the ice but Ben and Clark worked with city officials to improve their cleaning of the zamboni tires (and the zamboni room). Our rink unfortunately does not have an indoor ice scrappings dump location so the ice resurfacing machines need to drive through the parking lot. We are not sure why this year we had so many extra problems. Hopefully now the staff understand the importance of clean tires and undercarriage for our skaters’ safety.

Season fees were reduced this season due to the strong proceeds from  charitable bingos. Thanks to members for always being on time for their sessions – we have no “X”s (member misses their scheduled bingo session) in our ledger. Each family who does a bingo helps the club bring in approximately $1000! Big thanks to May for taking on the role of bingo coordinator!

Due to member suggestions, we had revamped how we use teamsnap this year. Instead of having one team for the entire club with approximately 100 members, each program has its own team. This way a coach can quickly communicate to everyone in their program. Your teamsnap calender will be specific to your program. You can change your settings so that you get reminders for every practice (called “events” in teamsnap jargon). Some of you will have multiple teams because you are part of multiple programs (e.g., “Advanced” and “Saturday Speed Force”) or you have children in multiple programs.

Happy skating! -James

(Updated – September 29, 2024)

The season is well underway with many happy skaters zooming around the rink! Thanks to equipment manager Zach for getting all the skaters needing equipment sized up. Families with 3 or more skaters – did you get your discount code before registering on icereg? Your third skater is 50% off and your fourth skater pays no KSSSC fees! If this was missed, please email the register.

Season fees were reduced this season but the bingo buyout was increased. We need more volunteers to help with the bingos. Remember: our fees are lower due to extremely successful fundraising, particularly charitable bingos. Families with a skater in the Development, Advanced, or Masters programs are required to support our fundraising efforts by either volunteering to staff a fundraiser bingo or purchasing a fundraiser buy-out (in the icereg store $400.) Only one such commitment is required per family per year.  Wee, Small Blades and Intro families are exempt (unless they have a skater in dev/adv/Mas). So if you want to save a few bucks, do bingos. Each family who does a bingo helps the club bring in approximately $1000!

Due to member suggestions on the survey, we have revamped how we use teamsnap. Instead of having one team for the entire club with approximately 100 members, each program has its own team. This way a coach can quickly communicate to everyone in their program. Your teamsnap calender will be specific to your program. You can change your settings so that you get reminders for every practice (called “events” in teamsnap jargon). Some of you will have multiple teams because you are part of multiple programs (e.g., “Advanced” and “Saturday Speed Force”) or you have children in multiple programs.

Also new this year: skating 6AM on Mondays! Saturdays are also going strong at 7:30AM. Masters and Advanced skaters – if you missed a weeknight hour, come to Saturday. Please try to touch base with me ahead of time if you can.

Happy skating! -James

(Updated – August 29, 2024)

Registration is now open. Wee and Small programs are already full, but email the registrar for more info. That said, we need help advertising our awesome -just give it a try- intro program. Please let friends and family know about this opportunity.

Families with 3 or more skaters? Your third skater is 50% off and your fourth skater pays no KSSSC fees! (You still need to pay SSO/SSC membership and for rentals) What a deal!

Season fees were reduced this season but the bingo buyout was increased. We need more volunteers to help with the bingos. Remember: our fees are lower due to extremely successful fundraising, particularly charitable bingos. Families with a skater in the Development, Advanced, or Masters programs are required to support our fundraising efforts by either volunteering to staff a fundraiser bingo or purchasing a fundraiser buy-out (in the icereg store $400.) Only one such commitment is required per family per year.  Wee, Small Blades and Intro families are exempt (unless they have a skater in dev/adv/Mas).So if you want to save a few bucks, do bingos. Each family who does a bingo helps the club bring in approximately $1000!

Also new this year: skating 6AM on Mondays! Saturdays are also going ahead still – the ice time is not yet clear. It might be 7:30-8:20AM

Happy first day of skating! -James